This is Raíces Global
A quick glimpse into the core of who we are.

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What is Raíces Global?
An interview with co-founder Karlee Nichols about the vision of our mission. 

Introducing Raíces (Roots) Global:
Reaching Ejidal Ocolusen, our neighborhood 

Watch our 2023 Year-in-Review Video!

This is Life. One sound description of Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico

The Nichols Family describing Morelia. Mexico in One Sound.

2021 has been a busy, but encouraging year - check it out!

Map of Michoacan, Mexico - Capital city: Morelia

Map of Michoacan, Mexico - Capital city: Morelia

The Great Commission

Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Our Journey to Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico with NOE International

              In the Spring of 2005, Karlee interned for two months with the NOE (pronounced: no WAY) Center in Morelia, Michoacán, México while studying abroad through North Park University in Chicago. While there, she fell in love with the vision this organization had to impact low-income urban communities in Morelia for Christ through education. Since 2005, God has been moving in the hearts of our family: from coordinating English lessons in McCalla, Alabama, to Karlee teaching Spanish at a classical education school in Rochester, MN and establishing WCLI (Western Carolina Language Institute) in Brevard, NC. Serving within the Hispanic culture has been like a magnet. Other areas of service God clearly had His hand in to prepare us for a transition to fulltime missions have included Reggie working with low-income families in Woodstock, AL, serving in vocational youth ministry in Rochester, MN, obtaining a Family Nurse Practitioner degree and certification through Vanderbilt University with both of us regularly leading worship everywhere in between.  

         In 2019, God began to move more clearly in our lives when we reached out to NOE regarding the potential to serve with them for six weeks during the summer of 2020. During those six weeks, we felt the call to return home, sell our possessions, and commit to serving Him through NOE. On September 13th, 2021, pulled into Morelia with a small trailer of possessions and a lot of faith that God was going to help us work it all out. We have loved being a part of this team, and continue to see God moving as we grow and serve in this community.  

      From September 2021-February 2024, we served Centro NOE, and organization that is changing the world through actively sharing the gospel and increasing educational opportunities. God has always called us to “fill the gaps” with the skill sets, experiences, and passions developed along the way. Beginning in April of 2024, we began the process of helping to expand the gospel in the neighborhood where we live more directly with the initiation of RAÍCES (Roots) to minister to our community, Ejidal Ocolusen, with our resources, abilities, and above all, love for Jesus Christ with a humble eagerness to more deeply understand the Mexican culture and to see how He is moving through the Mexican people. We are in the development stages of creating an emotionally and physically safe community center environment to share the gospel, help people grow in their faith, strengthen the family unit, make disciples, and open opportunities to learn and grow that do not currently exisit in our neighborhood.